Our Services text with district, money, and balance icons and image of students with technology devices working together

The South Center Regional Information Center provides services that apply to multiple facets of district operation, such as instruction, student information, finances, human resources, security, and test reporting. While you may find what you need in our list of services, please reach out to us to discuss new services that could help meet your needs. We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions. Please contact SCRIC Director, Tom Guillon, at 607-766-3800 or any of the staff members listed with the services they oversee.

We also invite you to share your comments, suggestions, feedback, concerns, and ideas about all aspects of SCRIC services and support using our SCRIC Virtual Suggestion Box. Your feedback is welcomed and appreciated!

Managed Services

Managed Services circle image with icons related to  district technology such as a cloud, internet and satellite

Administrative Systems Training & Support Services

Administrative Systems Training & Support Services circle logo with  images related to the service such as an apple, ID badge, folder, finance and website icons

Data Services

Data Services circle image with various colorful data charts displaying

Technology Support & Procurement Services

Regional Telecommunications Service circular image displaying various icons such as money, cloud, document, lock and connectivity

Regional Telecommunications Service

Technology Support & Procurement Service circular image containing icons of internet, lock, cloud, and district

Telephone Interconnect Service

Telephone Interconnect Service circular logo consisting of icons such as chat, phone, iPhone, and contracts